Hey how's going? I started to know you when you turned 27. So,happy birthday and keep up the good work!
Hey how's going? I started to know you when you turned 27. So,happy birthday and keep up the good work!
''You've made my SHREKBOX smell like DICK!''
Great,but the story it's very:Uhhh...''Already The End''? Could've more tense scenes,a guy stares to another and see the reflexes of his eyes or something like that. Great music and sound, the animation could get a little bit ''less squared'' but if that's your style go with it. Great animation dude. Keep it on
I appreciate the positive criticism. I did want to drag it out a little longer for the stares and holding the guns but I couldnt figure out how to snap shot in after effects or animate. I plan on making much longer ones i just wanted to get something out there to get back in the saddle after a year without putting anything up. Thanks though man!
gr8 m8 8/8 made my n8
SO GOOD! When you started to plan this? like when you started the idea the animation etc?
I can't stop laughing...Btw GET OUT OF MY CAR NOOOOW!
Cool and simple animation, Funny and long 5/5
It was actually cool to laugh and be brutal with Ray. But the creator said it won´t come back never ;-;
That cool commenter/gamer/writer
Joined on 11/19/16